Language House
Kamakura offers
an engaging
for your child

Language House
Bilingual Care

Language House Kamakura provides a fully bilingual education by having both Japanese providers and English teachers present in the classroom. Kamakura, which is known for its beautiful nature and rich history, is often visited by many people from overseas. We believe that by teaching the children who live in the area to speak English, we will be able to open the doors to new and exciting opportunities in the future that would otherwise not be available to them.
While Language House is committed to developing our childrens’ ability to communicate with foreigners using English, we simultaneously emphasize their ability to speak eloquent native Japanese by the time they graduate from our school.
In the same manner, we challenge ourselves in our approach towards education by keeping an eye on global trends, all while considering the specific needs of children living in the traditional town of Kamakura.


Through bilingual education, our goal is to shape the next generation of proud and confident Japanese individuals who live in an increasingly global-minded society by equipping them with the independence and language skills necessary to step fearlessly into the future.

Educational Goal:Bilingual Early Education

We provide bilingual education for children from 1 year & 7 months to 5 years old.
Under the supervision and care of both English teachers and Japanese care providers, children will build a bilingual foundation as the base of their education while learning to respect the differences in culture that comes with this approach.

Childcare Goal:Teamwork and Manners in a Safe Environment

We will introduce the concept of communal living while focusing on developing proper manners and language use between the children and their peers.

English Language Education Goal:Vocabulary and Phonics

1 year & 7 months to 3 years: This age period is an optimal time in a child’s development to introduce and focus on Phonics. At the same time, we will introduce new vocabulary that the child can put together to make simple sentences in their daily life. 3 years to 5 years: We will build vocabulary to make more complex sentences by practicing the 4 language skills: Listening,Speaking,Reading and Writing.The child can ask and answer questions and develop self-expression abilitiy.

STRENGTHS[ 私たちの強み ]

Start at 1 Year and 7 Months

1 year and 7 months is the ideal time to begin training a child’s brain to switch between Japanese and English. At this age, childrens’ linguistic and physical development grow at a remarkable rate where – if we make the most of this opportunity – we can see noticeable results.
*Please consult with us for children under 1 year and 7 months.

Bilingual Program

Children not only participate in the structured learning program with English teachers but also go through the daily routine with them. They are consistenly exposed to English. Since they hear it on a daily basis, they are able to improve their English-listening ability – something they would not be able to do in a different environment.

Foundational Daily Habits

The school is staffed by qualified English teacher and experienced Japanese providers. We provide family-like childcare in small groups, carefully attending to the childrens’ development so that they can focus on enjoying their time at school.

English Teachers and Japanese Providers

The school is staffed by qualified English teachers and experienced Japanese providers. We provide family-like childcare in small groups, carefully attending to the childrens’ development so that they can focus on enjoying their time at school while building lasting relationships with their friends.


The classroom is filled with the teacher’s English and children’s laughter. The walls are lined with children’s seasonal artwork. The collaboration between the experienced Japanese providers and English teachers motivates the children and nurtures their strong character. We provide a safe and comfortable childcare environment from the time children arrive at school to the time they are picked up. Here we introduce a typical day at Language House Kamakura.
1. Arrival

1. Arrival

“Good morning!” The Japanese provider cheerfully welcomes your child so that they won’t feel anxious about being away from their parents. The Japanese provider listens carefully to any information that needs to be communicated and then gets ready for the day’s activities. The children take off their shoes and bags and put them away.
2. Daily Health Check

2. Daily Health Check

You’re as cheerful as ever today! Or are you a bit sad? Do you have a fever? Is your diaper okay? We carefully check the children’s physical and mental health to ensure that they can spend the day comfortably and in good health.
3. Circle Time /
Music and Dance Time

3. Circle Time /
Music and Dance Time

The experienced English teacher calls the children over to form a circle so they can sing and dance together using English. The childrens’ curiosity is stimulated as they play in English.
4. English Time

4. English Time

We follow a yearly curriculum that is tailored to the developmental needs of each age group. 1.7-3 year olds focus on Phonics and vocabulary building so that they can converse in simple sentences. 3-5 year olds learn Phonics as well as listening, speaking, reading, and writing so that they can express their thoughts in English.
5. Activity

5. Activity

After getting ready with their teachers, the children go to the beach, park, or out for a walk when the weather is nice. The children have fun playing with the English teachers, and the Japanese providers make sure that they are safe. In the classroom, the teachers plan seasonal and holiday arts and crafts, paint and sensory play, etc. for the children. There are also other unique bilingual activities such as Show & Tell, Culture Sharing, and Speech.
6. Daily Habits

6. Daily Habits

After returning from outside, the children take off their shoes, wash their hands, and gargle. The Japanese provider and English teacher help the children learn the basics of how to take care of themselves and provide positive reinforcement and praise, saying “Good job!”.
7. Lunch Time

7. Lunch Time

After a busy morning, the long-awaited lunch time starts with a greeting in Japanese: “Now let’s eat. Itadakimasu!” The children learn Japanese manners and also have fun eating together. Even children who don’t have a big appetite want to chow down! We also take measures against allergies.
8. Story Time

8. Story Time

Reading books is one of the most important ways to build vocabulary. By reading the same books repeatedly, children can develop their fluency as well as their understanding of English grammar. As the children grow older, they will start to read books independently. Our biggest goal is to develop a love of reading from a young age.
9. Nap Time

9. Nap Time

Since the children have spent all morning exercising their minds and bodies, they quickly fall asleep. For those who cannot sleep, the teachers stay nearby to provide emotional support. The Japanese providers keep a close eye on the children while they sleep to prevent them from falling asleep on their stomach. After a good rest, the children are ready to play together again.
10. Snack Time

10. Snack Time

After waking up from naptime, it’s time for everyone’s favorite snack. “Cookie!”, “Bread!” What kind of snacks are you bringing today?
11. Pick-up Time

11. Pick-up Time

At 3:00 p.m., it’s pick-up time. “See you!” We sing the goodbye song in English to end the day. When parents come to pick up their children, the Japanese provider gives them a full report on how the children did that day. The children love showing their parents the artwork or craft they made with the teachers.
12. Free Play

12. Free Play

“Let’s play together!”The children play games in English with teachers and friends. Together, they play with colorful alphabet blocks. We devise ways to incorporate English into play and foster international communication skills. Afterwards, children will be dismissed according to their pick-up time.

Q&A[ よくある質問 ]

This will be the first time being away from my child. Will we be separated from the beginning?
One of our nursery school’s basic principles is to separate parents and their child from the beginning. As your child communicates with teachers and friends on his or her own, he or she will develop a sense of independence.
Will all childcare be conducted in English? I am worried that my child will forget Japanese.
Childcare at the school is provided in both Japanese and English. The two languages are naturally acquired as the children talk with the English teachers and Japanese providers.
Is school lunch provided?
In early childhood, during meals it is important to build on the experience of “I can eat it!”. For this reason, we ask that you prepare a lunch box that is tailored to your child’s needs, rather than a uniform school lunch.
What type of menu is best for the lunch box?
Bite-size portions consisting of mainly of your child’s favorite foods are likely to be more appetizing. Please consult with the provider regarding the amount and ingredients.
What do you do in free play?
During free play time, children enjoy dancing and singing with English teachers, while becoming familiar with English. With Japanese providers, children engage in Japanese fingerplay and songs.
How can parents receive updates about classroom activities?
You will be provided with updates about your child through the Communavi App. Please feel free to contact us anytime with any concerns you may have.
Can I change the childcare hours?
Pick-up times are requested at 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to accommodate children’s activities. Please feel free to contact us for extensions due to sudden schedule changes.
Do I have to use childcare 5 days per week?
We provide childcare starting from a minimum of 2 days per week. Please choose from 2 to 5 days per week.
What time is drop off? What if I am going to be late?
In order for everyone to enjoy the morning program, we ask that you arrive at the school between 8:00 and 9:00 am. Please contact us if you will be late.
Are there any long vacations, such as summer or winter vacation?
We will be closed during the Obon and Christmas periods. Please check the schedule for dates.
Can my child be potty-trained during childcare hours?
Toilet training will be discussed with you while monitoring your child’s progress. Please consult with Japanese providers about when to switch to underwear.
Do you offer outside activities?
Depending on the weather we go to the beach, park, or for a walk. The children absorb Enlish through these experiences outside.
Can I take the bus to the school?
There is currently no shuttle bus service.

Please click below for admission information.


BLOG[ ブログ ]

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Halloween Event のお知らせ!
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特別な行事 Birthday Party!

WHY BILINGUAL ?[ なぜバイリンガルなのか? ]

As the environment surrounding Japan undergoes major changes, the level of communication skills required of children in the future will also need to be more advanced than it is today. From a young age, it is imperative to provide children with opportunities to practice differentiating between Japanese and English, comprehending both languages, and using varied communication styles depending on the situation. Infancy (from 1 year and 7 months.) is the best age to start learning about “manners,” “language,” and “life skills”. Language House Kamakura provides valuable learning opportunities that cannot be experienced at English cram schools or tutoring schools that children enter during elementary school.

Language House Kamakura

Language House Kamakura
July 1, 2023
Yoshiko Kurobe
4-17 2F Kamakura Onarimachi Building Onarimachi, Kamakura, Kanagawa 2480012
Yoshiko Kurobe